Siemens公司正式发布NX 2019 Build 2501,Siemens NX 是领先的 CAD/CAM/CAE 系统,建立在旨在创建任何复杂产品的最佳技术之上。该系统的主要目标最终是降低创建产品的成本,提高其质量并缩短产品上市时间。这使公司能够快速收回购买和实施 Unigraphics 的投资。Unigraphics 在俄罗斯拥有强大的地位,因为该系统可广泛应用于各个行业(航空航天、发动机制造、汽车、机械工程等),并使用现代技术为用户分享各个阶段的先进 MCAD 解决方案的产品创造。
新方法将使Siemens NX客户能够:
- 接收功能更快地增强,以帮助提高生产力
- 制定可预测的更新计划,以更好地规划采用新技术
- 响应新的想法和趋势
- 降低部署成本
- NX开发与依赖于发行版的修补程序的响应更快,更一致
- 继续关注发布质量和部署
Siemens NX 软件是一款既灵活又功能强大的集成式解决方案,有助于您更快更高效地分享更优质的产品。 NX 分享了下一代的设计、仿真和制造解决方案,支持公司实现数字孪生的价值。NX 支持产品开发中从概念设计到工程和制造的各个方面,为您分享了一套集成的工具集,用于协调不同学科、保持数据完整性和设计意图以及简化整个流程。
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Siemens NX is a leading CAD/CAM/CAE system built on the best technologies designed to create products of any complexity. The main objective of the system is ultimately to reduce the cost of creating a product, improve its quality and reduce the time to market. This enables companies to quickly return the investment spent on the purchase and implementation of Unigraphics. Unigraphics has a strong position in Russia due to the wide possibilities of using the system in various industries (aerospace, engine building, automotive, mechanical engineering, etc.) and the use of modern technologies that provide the user with advanced MCAD solutions at all stages of product creation. The success of the Unigraphics system in the Russian market is confirmed by an extensive user base,……………